On 08/02/2022 02:07 PM, H wrote:
> On 04/29/2022 07:30 AM, Joakim Dellrud wrote:
>> Think he might have just missed the fact that you had EFI boot aswell. So 
>> then it would be:
>> /boot md0
>> /boot/EFI md1
>> / md2 -> vg0 -> lvs
>> Otherwise it was more a suggestion on using encryption for more then just 
>> the /home partition since there is always a risk with SWAP etc to have 
>> information that you do not want to be read.
>> My current setup goes:
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-root               /
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-usr                /usr
>> /dev/nvme0n1p2                      /boot       <- this would be a md device 
>> in your case
>> /dev/nvme0n1p1                       /boot/efi <- this would be a md device 
>> in your case
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-home             /home
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-var                 /var
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-tmp                 /tmp
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-var_tmp          /var/tmp
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-var_log            /var/log
>> /dev/mapper/vg0-var_log_audit  /var/log/audit
>> Note that we are most likely mixing data redundancy with data security a bit 
>> here. So as far as your plan to run a md device for each "partition" needed 
>> that is a sound and solid plan.
>> When it comes to encryption the point is that you might want to have more 
>> then just /home protected. But this is very dependent on your threat model. 
>> If you have a laptop encryption of all partitions is suggested.
>> Regards
>> On 2022-04-24 20:54, H wrote:
>>> On 04/23/2022 09:19 PM, H wrote:
>>>> On 04/19/2022 09:57 AM, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
>>>>> On 4/18/22 1:27 PM, H wrote:
>>>>>> I have a new computer with 2 x 2TB SSDs where I wanted to install C7 and 
>>>>>> use mdadm for RAID1 configuration and encrypting the /home partition. On 
>>>>>> the net I found 
>>>>>> https://tuxfixer.com/centos-7-installation-with-lvm-raid-1-mirroring/ 
>>>>>> which I adopted slightly with respect to partition sizes, using RAID1 
>>>>>> for /boot and /root as well and added the /home partition with RAID1 and 
>>>>>> chose to have /home encrypted.
>>>>> It may be a good idea to also have / and swap encrypted, since user data 
>>>>> can go there easily
>>>>> (logs, locatedb, swapped mem).
>>>>> I would do:
>>>>> - /boot as a separate RAID1 (md1=sda1+sdb1)
>>>>> - then another RAID1 (md2=sda2+sdb2) using all the remaining disk
>>>>> - luks on top of md2, giving you luks-xxxxx
>>>>> - LVM with a PV on luks-xxxxx
>>>>> - VG and LVs for swap, / and /home (do not assign all the available space 
>>>>> now, especially if using xfs as filesystem)
>>>>> Not sure if you can do this setup through the installer, you have to try 
>>>>> (in a VM maybe).
>>>>> Regards.
>>>> Thank you. I will have time to get back to this system tomorrow to try 
>>>> this.
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>>> Roberto, what would the advantage(s) be with your setup, ie one RAID1 array 
>>> for everything but /boot compared to what I had done, ie three RAID1 arrays 
>>> for /boot/efi RAID1, /boot RAID1 and one LVM-RAID1 for / and /home? As a 
>>> naive user it would seem to me that the setup I did would be more resilient 
>>> if a disk fails, or?
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> I am coming back to this topic after a long while. Again, I am installing 
> CentOS 7 on a new machine. Using the graphical installer and following the 
> suggestion above, I first created the /boot partition in RAID1 configuration, 
> then /boot EFI in RAID1 configuration, after which I proceeded to create an 
> LVM in RAID1 configuration for the remainder of the disks using the / 
> partition.
> If I understand the above correctly, I should then create /home and swap 
> using this LVM (as well as possibly /var) but do not seem to be able to do so 
> in the graphical installer.
> Have I missed something? Or, do I need to do this differently following 
> another path?
> Thank you in advance.
I am still stuck on the above and would love to hear some suggestion(s).

Thank you.

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