As mentioned by others, CDE uses dtwm, not mwm, so you’re not likely to have a 
good time.  To elaborate on that, you’d be replacing pretty much the whole 
front end of CDE.  It’s not a tiny one-dimensional program like some other 
window managers.  Even the bottom panel is part of dtwm, so you’d be losing 

-- Matthew R. Trower

> On Dec 29, 2022, at 19:22, cyrus torros <> wrote:
> Hello,  I am wondering if anyone has devised any hacks to have MS style alt 
> tabbing in CDE?
> also, I am wondering if it is possible to use enhanced motif window manager 
> with it instead of mwm
> It is an enhanced fork of MWM that has support for hints and other cool stuff 
> (can be found here (site does not require 
> javascript)
> I was going to try a drop in replacement soon, so assuming no one else has 
> tried, will report back.. assuming CDE compiles successfully, thats always 
> kind of a gamble.
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