CDE window manager AFAIK is _not_ mwm but still dtwm, a derivative of mwm but with additional actions that can appear in configuration files (or be sent to it if you know how*) and maybe other CDE specific functionality.
If the functionality of emwm would not clash with the dtwm specific features, maybe it would be interesting to have something that combined them. * I reverse engineered that back before CDE was open source and created a utility that will send f. commands to dtwm, although not all such are useful! That dtstyle could restart dtwm, but a script to edit .Xdefaults or some such could not, got me curious how that worked. > On Dec 29, 2022, at 7:21 PM, cyrus torros <> wrote: > > Hello, I am wondering if anyone has devised any hacks to have MS style alt > tabbing in CDE? > > also, I am wondering if it is possible to use enhanced motif window manager > with it instead of mwm > > It is an enhanced fork of MWM that has support for hints and other cool stuff > (can be found here > <>) (site does not require javascript) > > I was going to try a drop in replacement soon, so assuming no one else has > tried, will report back.. assuming CDE compiles successfully, thats always > kind of a gamble. > _______________________________________________ > cdesktopenv-devel mailing list > >
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