Good day all. I know this place is a grave yard, but I have a question
about resource use.

Given that CDE has been given many a modern patch and is now used on beefy
machines mostly, how is its resource use?

I was expecting that it'd run on very very little ram and CPU, because it
was used on antiquated pcs with less than 64mb of ram back then, way less.

But it seems that all of CDEs components together regularly take up well
over 200+?

It kind of shatters my plans to have it as a fully functioning desktop
environment on my PPC mac g4 running openbsd, which is only 433mhz and
512mb of ram

Is there anything I can do to lessen its resource use? I figure that there
must be a way to return it to its former resource use of yore, I used to
use windowmaker, but the new people developing it have grown it into a
resource hog as well, so this is my only hope.
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