On 2/22/21 8:56 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently another FreeBSD developer and I were discussing submitting a pull 
> request of some of his patches to cdesktopenv. How would we facilitate that?

I am not sure I understand the question... SF has a PR mechanism... I
like github's better, but other's have submitted PR's, two of them today

> Secondly, if we were to create a FreeBSD cde-devel port, based on some 
> arbitrary git hash, would that be possible through Sourceforge? Similar to 
> how one would request a file at an arbitrary GIT hash from github?

I would think so, again not sure what you are asking... git is git...



Jon Trulson

  "Entropy.  It isn't what it used to be."
                           -- Sheldon

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