I think you could also use

git clone --recurse-submodules

to clone in the source and the submodule in the same pass.

Thank you for your time,

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Sunday, January 24, 2021 1:37 PM, Jon Trulson <j...@radscan.com> wrote:

> On 1/23/21 8:36 PM, Chase wrote:
>> Jon,
>> Hmm, If I am understanding you correctly (which I don't think I am), git 
>> wouldn't properly clone the submodule into the ksh93 directory? Maybe if 
>> thats the case, it could be fixed with adding in an empty ksh93 directory 
>> for it to clone into to the repo. It is worth noting however that git 
>> submodules will always be blank until you pull them in with the submodule 
>> command. It has always worked that way for me at least.
> Ok... I am not at all familiar with the use of sobmosules - surprisingly in 
> my day job, I've never had to deal with them. I'll do some experimenting and 
> see what is a good set of instructions for making sure people get the right 
> stuff. Main issue is what SF itself tells you to run to checkout the code - 
> just a straight up git clone http:.... Anyway, was just curious.
>> As for a new release, did I miss a release? where is 2.3.1 and 2.3.2? 
>> Sourceforge only shows up to 2.3.0...
> I think you missed 2...
> 2.3.1 was released 11/16/19, 2.3.2 was released 1/14/20... See:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/cdesktopenv/files/src/
> The 'Download' button on the CDE summary page does download 2.3.2...
> -jon
>> The git command looks good. All in all, seems like a solid plan, looking 
>> forward to it!
>> Thank you for your time,
>> -Chase
>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Saturday, January 23, 2021 8:17 PM, Jon Trulson 
>> [<j...@radscan.com>](mailto:j...@radscan.com) wrote:
>>> On 1/22/21 4:41 PM, Chase via cdesktopenv-devel wrote:
>>>> Since Lev fixed the errors in upstream for musl and upstreamed them, lets 
>>>> pull that in so any potential merge to master also can safely build on 
>>>> musl (thus the old changes from Lev we would throw away for old ksh would 
>>>> be replaced with the new changes)l. I also threw in compiler warning fixes 
>>>> for xmcmds.c.
>>> Chase,
>>> merged to master-ksh93-upgrade.
>>> I also merged master into this branch, which went fairly well. But I did 
>>> run into a problem.
>>> No matter what I did, the special 'gitlink' entry for 
>>> cde/programs/dtksh/ksh93 always disappeared in favor of an empty ksh93 
>>> directory. In the end, I just manually re-added the module and did a build. 
>>> The build worked, and ran fine in the little testing I did.
>>> Please look over what I did with regard to having to re-add the ksh93 
>>> submodule.
>>> Anyway, if this looks good from your side, let me know. What I would like 
>>> to then do is tag master as 2.3.2a, increment the version number to 2.3.2b, 
>>> and then merge this branch into master.
>>> We will also need to change the instructions on the wiki for checking out 
>>> from git (when this gets merged into master). Am I correct in that 
>>> something like the following should suffice?
>>> git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/cdesktopenv/code cdesktopenv-code
>>> git submodule update --init
>>> Should do the trick? I suspect that will confuse people who forget... If 
>>> you have suggestions, let me know. Is it possible to have the build 
>>> update/checkout the submodule automatically if it hasn't already been 
>>> updated/checked out?
>>> After letting it stew for a few weeks in master, I'd then like to do a 
>>> release, but that will require someone being able to test on various 
>>> operating systems.
>>> Anyway, nice work - it will be good to have a newer, better supported ksh 
>>> in CDE.
>>> -jon
>>>> Thank you for your time,
>>>> -Chase
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>>> --
>>> Jon Trulson
>>>   "Entropy.  It isn't what it used to be."
>>>                            -- Sheldon
> --
> Jon Trulson
>   "Entropy.  It isn't what it used to be."
>                            -- Sheldon
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