The HP Portable Plus computer ROM Drawer uses 28 pin 1MBit (128K) Mask ROMs (TC531000) or 512KBit EPROMs (27C512).

A few years ago a company called Personalized Software made something called a ROMBO.  This was an adapter that allowed the use of a 32 Pin 27C010 Quad Pack and plugged into the 28 pin socket on the ROM Drawer.  The down side of this was that the ROMBO needed a special EPROM programmer to program.  Here is a link to a picture of the ROMBO.  These are no longer available.

I am thinking of doing something like the schematic linked below to use a modern flash chip (AT28C010) in place of the 27010 and bring out the three pins necessary for programming to jumpers that can be connected to a flash programmer (or I might make an adapter board that the board plugs into for programming).

Has anyone made anything like this for the portable plus or seen something similar.

I also have the following questions:

1.  Is there enough room in the ROM Drawer for some kind of socket on the adapter board?
2.  Where can I find the low profile pins used in the ROMBO?
3.  Have I missed anything?

Thank you...

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