Thousands of new documents have been added to the DG legacy preservation web site [], including new sections for the Nova, SuperNova, Nova 2, Nova 3, microNova, MPT, Eclipse S/130, Eclipse S/140, Eclipse S/230, Eclipse C/330, Eclipse S/280, and Desktop Generation computers.(!) Separate areas also now exist for DG disks, tapes and other peripherals.
New archives for 3rd-party, DG-compatible hardware vendors have been started with this release, including those for Keronix, DCC, Bytronix and ROLM. This update reflects Wild Hare's continuing dedication [obsession?] to preserve Data General's significant part of computer history, and to help museums, universities and "restorationists" preserve DG systems worldwide. Bruce Ray -- Bruce Ray, President Wild Hare Computer Systems, Inc. Denver, Colorado USA ...preserving the Data General legacy: