Thousands of new documents have been added to the DG legacy preservation
web site [], including new sections for the Nova,
SuperNova, Nova 2, Nova 3, microNova, MPT, Eclipse S/130, Eclipse S/140,
Eclipse S/230, Eclipse C/330, Eclipse S/280, and Desktop Generation
computers.(!)  Separate areas also now exist for DG disks, tapes and
other peripherals.

New archives for 3rd-party, DG-compatible hardware vendors have been
started with this release, including those for Keronix, DCC, Bytronix
and ROLM.

This update reflects Wild Hare's continuing dedication [obsession?] to
preserve Data General's significant part of computer history, and to
help museums, universities and "restorationists" preserve DG systems

Bruce Ray

Bruce Ray, President
Wild Hare Computer Systems, Inc.
Denver, Colorado USA

...preserving the Data General legacy:

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