I got challenged by an idiot editor for my three letter login who put
some sort of hold on it.
After a plea on the discussion for my ID a guy came in with privileges
near as I can tell 4 levels higher and asked why that had any justification.
Near as I can tell 24 hours later the ID had no edit privileges and in a
week gone.
Something like this should get a complete ban, but will take a bit of
nagging. I'd definitely pursue it.
If I tried to help gang up on the change with my history with 3
letters, I might invite unwarranted attention.
Asking for $$ and being a general nitwit (polite for crook) shouldn't be
allowed to pass.
On 2/20/25 23:17, bobh--- via cctalk wrote:
Then they asked me for money! I got a [polite rpely to my outraged comment,
but still could not log in!