16450 was the one with buffer issues

On February 11, 2025 11:49:23 AM EST, ben via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
>On 2025-02-11 9:32 a.m., Peter Corlett via cctalk wrote:
>> The proper solution to dodgy PC serial port performance was of course to
>> upgrade to the 16550 which had a FIFO which could buffer a few bytes while
>> the PC got round to answering the interrupt. It's not the greatest UART and
>> adds novel failure modes, but it does have the extremely useful property
>> that it is register-compatible with the 8250 and so older software can still
>> drive it without needing to be patched.
>I thought many 16550 had dud fifo's.
>Interrupts under DOS was hit and miss.
>> The 16550 (at 1.8432Mhz) still has the same top speed of 115,200 baud, but
>> that's just fine for the kind of applications which use physical
>> RS-232-compatible serial ports such as dialup modems and serial mice. RS-232
>> only guarantees up to 20 kilobaud anyway, and anything faster is out of spec
>> and works through luck. Fortunately, we had a lot of luck by the late 1990s
>> when V.90 dialup came around. Want to go even faster over long cable runs?
>> We have Ethernet for that sort of thing, and it's rather more reliable at
>> it.
>Sneaker net with van is better yet, moving large data.(10 TB per tape) :).

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