> Nitpick: Not CRC checksums, as those are only good to detect gross data

Fair, "hash" would be the better term that I meant.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2025 at 7:00 AM Alexander Schreiber <a...@thangorodrim.ch>

> On Tue, Feb 04, 2025 at 01:33:48AM -0600, Steve Lewis via cctalk wrote:
> > Beyond just the compiler, there are also optimization and other settings
> > (like the multitude levels of C-compliance or how strict to be about
> > warnings, or conditional-builds to tailor it specific situations).
> >
> > Regardless, proper binary deliveries come with CRC checksums.  This isn't
> Nitpick: Not CRC checksums, as those are only good to detect gross data
> corruption (e.g. an entire page/sector being zeroed). The standard these
> days is proper cryptographic hashes that are still known to be strong
> (e.g. not MD5, as it is known to be weak and collisions can be generated,
>  but SHA256/SHA512) and the hashes cryptographically signed.
> > just to verify that you downloaded the file correctly, but to also help
> > verify that you've used the exact same "Bill of software material"
> (SBOM),
> > versions of dependencies, and other settings to produce that same binary.
> Reproducible builds is an issue by itself and requires careful attention
> to the build systems. But it should be a base standard.
> Kind regards,
>            Alex.
> --
> "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and
>  looks like work."                                      -- Thomas A. Edison

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