On Sun, 2 Feb 2025, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote: > > I forgot to mention: MIDI has been another notable example where you want > > to wire a UART to another kind of line driver. I also have a computer > > where one of USARTs is multiplexed (software-configurable) between an > > RS-232 line driver with an external DE-9 connector (with pins multiplexed > > between synchronous-mode TxC/RxC clock lines and asynchronous-mode CTS/DSR > > inputs respectively) and an AC'97 audio codec (the codec uses the USART's > > synchronous mode with internal clocking). This one obviously also uses > > regular voltage levels to talk to the AC'97 device. > > Except that MIDI is a current-driven interface, not voltage like RS232. > 5 ma currentloop, if memory serves.Voltage is secondary.
Sure, I just gave it as another example that you can wire a UART that uses TTL or other standard digital circuit signalling to different line drivers ("phys"). It all boils down to the application. Maciej