On 01/02/2025 19:10, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
On Feb 1, 2025, at 8:37 AM, Frank Leonhardt via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
I certainly agree TTL would have made sense for microprocessors but earlier 
computers ran at much higher voltages, and lots of them :-)
So did early logic ICs.  TTL happens to be very well known because it was far 
more successful than others, but it was preceded by DTL (6 volts) and RTL (3.6 
volts).  Also, in the days of TTL, you might also find high end systems with 
ECL in them (-3 volts??? I forgot).

And yes, of course in discrete transistor computers the voltages would be all 
over the map.  6 volts in the CDC 6000 mainframes, who knows what else in other 
machines of that era.


I started with minilogs which were +/- 10V logic.

Anyone remember those?

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