Hi all,

I've got 3 pcs. Cubieboard 2 SBC's with the Allwinner A20 SOC Chip on
them. That's kind of a RaspberryPi SBC with an 2 Code Arm7hf on it.
The boards are equipped with HDMI, USB, Ethernet (100Tx), SATA, SD Card
slot and some 4G NAND Flash Cip on it. RAM is 1 Gbyte, CPU Clock is

Additionally I've bought some Base Boards for them, that's the DVK521
from Waveshare..contains the Baseboard, an Camera Module OV670, a 7" LCD
with LVDS, a thermo sensor and other things..
Good HW in my eyes, but already outdated.

I wnt to use the boards for some Home/house related stuff, PV, heating,
Light control etc. and for that they should be more than enough.
The Chips even have an graphics accelerator in the SOC.

Now the Problem: as far as I know Allwinner has made some mistake using
gnu/Linux stuff without any respecting the GPL.
Because of that (if no other cause) most of the support Software on the
net seems to be gone. There where some different Linux distributions for
it, (Linaro, Cubieez etc) but most of the stuff isn't available anymore
because of dead links.

I've successfully build an modern Armbian image for them..but have
endless trouble. The Xserver configutres an not existing Video Output,
the LCD is unknown at all and if I manage to switch the X-server to the
HDMI output using xrandr (only with tricks because it needs a session)
the performance is like some old thick glue...
Besides of that I had to fix an already for 8 years known Bug in the A20
Ethernet driver (it simpy has a more modern ethernet Unit as the A10 inside)
that was'nt fixed at all. Armbian has only "community Support" fo those
chips..which means that there is no support at all. If one asks for help
the answer is more or less "find it yourself and provide a patch".

I have an Linaro disk image that seems to be working, but there are some
parts missing. The base distribution seems to be ubuntu 12.04 LTS
(precise Pangolin) for armhf. I can't find a package repository
anymore..(since that's long outdated). I've managed to install ssh by
using an tarball of an ubuntu 12.04 armhf image for another board..and
it works..but sshd is still missing.

There are more modern disk images at

but mostly they don't even boot..possibly they using an newer/other uboot
and uboot-envirnonment...

Now the question: Is someone in the world still using those boards and
has disk images/software for them?

Again: I'ts not that much interesting that this is old linux, because
I'll use that only inhouse in the lan, not browsing actual websites..
I'm a BSD guy and not know that much about Linux, especially such things
as configurations for uboot etc. and there is none that I could ask for
such things.

Kind Regards,
       Technik Service u. Handel Tiffe, www.tsht.de, Holm Tiffe, 
        Goethestrasse 15, 09569 Oederan, USt-Id: DE253710583
       i...@tsht.de Tel +49 37292 709778 Mobil: 0172 8790 741

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