This one seems to have information on the diskette layout starting on page


On Sun, Dec 8, 2024 at 4:52 PM Rik Bos via cctalk <>

> Tony,
> Maybe this software catalogue will help you:
> -Rik
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Tony Duell via cctalk <>
> Verzonden: zondag 8 december 2024 19:55
> Aan: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <
> CC: Tony Duell <>
> Onderwerp: [cctalk] Philips P2000C disk format
> The quick version : Does anyone know the exact physical and logical disk
> format used by CP/M on the Philips P2000C portable computer?
> The long version with explanations :
> I am having reasonable success transfering files to/from disk images for
> my Osborne 1A (using cpmtools) and IBM5155 (MS-DOS, of course using
> editdisk). And I've even got the Greaseweazle to transfer those images
> to/from real floppies. The Greaseweazle still annoys me in that I know it's
> capable of a lot more if only I could work out how to do it, but at least
> it does something useful
> [The less said about floppy disks shedding oxide and/or suffering from
> 'sticky shed' the better. I'm spending far too much time dismantling and
> cleaning drives....]
> Any, I'd like to do the same for another of my machines, a Philips P2000C
> cp/m 'portable'. My machine is the version with 2 internal 40 cylinder
> single head drives (about 160K each, MFM) but I can also plug in an
> external 80 cylinder double head drive to handle this machine's other
> native format (about 640K).
> Unfortunately, this machine is not common, and neither cpmtools nor the
> greaseweazle software has the formats predefined. I could add them myself
> -- if I knew what they were. Things like #sectors/track, sector size,
> #system tracks,  skew, etc.
> It's not obviously given in any of the manuals I have, so does anyone know
> it before I try to work it out.
> Alternatively there are rumours that the P2000C could read/write at least
> one more common cp/m disk type. The hardware should be capable of it, sure.
> Doe anyone know if software to do something like this exists anywhere for
> the P2000C. I can't find it on any of the obvious sites
> -tony

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