You'd think an IBM operating system on an IBM ThinkPad would be easy-peasy
- but good grief, it's taken me over a year to finally get a magic formula
that works.   Not too new, not too old.... (and yes, I have ArcaOS too, but
I wanted an OG 1994 install)

One interesting thing I found is that OS/2 can actually run SecondReality
(in full screen, but it suspends it when I ALT-ESC to something else) --
including with SBPro audio.   I couldn't do that with WinXP yet (same
hardware), even though trying explicit DOS settings.  I may tinker some
more on that, but rebooting to "MS-DOS Mode" in 95/98 can changing EMM386
from NOEMS to RAM then SR works.

I'll do a write up on the adventure soon-ish, I'm still trying to figure
out the TCP/IP settings stuff for OS/2.  My first experience on the
Internet was "borrowing" my sister's credit card and racking up $100 for an
afternoon of web-surfing on dial up, with OS/2 Warp in 1994.  A graphical
Traceroute was so neat to see, a graphical Gopher, and some early web
sites.  Frankly, that day I fully realized that "BBS's are done for" (or
cute ANSI couldn't compete with HTML).

I paid my sister back, eventually.  At the time I thought it was just an
activation gate, didn't realize there was a per-minute charge.  Sorry sis!
Don't leave your card out on the table :P


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