There's a lot there, look in <> . Among other things, you will find block diagrams (60119300), complete wire lists which also show the schematics for every module ("chassis tabs") and the interconnect between the chassis ("cable tabs"). All these are for the 6600, which is the most interesting of the bunch.
Unfortunately it's not a matched set; for example the chassis 1 wire lists are an early edition which predates the central exchange jump and ECS features, and the same is true for some of the other ones. There are also a couple of "training manuals", where you can find interesting things like a detailed description of how the core memory module is constructed. There are also two versions of the DD60 (console display) reference manual, which includes full schematics, module descriptions, and maintenance procedures. I'll admit I haven't looked for analogous documentation for the 170 or 180 series. paul > On Oct 16, 2024, at 2:49 AM, hupfadekroua via cctalk <> > wrote: > > Hi all, > > I do see a lot of CDC documentation on bitsavers like software, hardware > concepts, programming concepts, but no logic diagrams, schematics, detailed > assembly etc. > > Didn't publish CDC logic diagrams, schematic, board layouts etc, esp. of > course for the 180/8xx series in the past - wasn't such kind of docs ever > available? > > A.