On Sat, 2024-10-12 at 14:51 +0300, hupfadekroua via cctalk wrote:
> Hi all,
> after approx 30 years of waiting our time has come to get hands on a
> Cyber 180/860a.
> These systems as other systems before are using 400Hz psus.
> One approach would be to use a 50Hz/400Hz power converter. There are
> ones on the market creating almost pure sinus output with minimal
> harmonics.
> Another approach would be to substitute the old psu by modern ones,
> possibly by DC-DC converters or switching powersupplies.
> Does someone have experience in the substitution of psus in the
> multiple KW range or did this in the past?

Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA bought an IBM 1401 from
Germany, and needed 50 Hz power for it. Contact Rob Garner
<robg...@mac.com>. They have a second one from Connecticut. The cool
address (for their collection) is 1401 Shoreline Boulevard.

John Zabolitsky <j...@cm-muenchen.de> has a collection in Neubiberg on
the southeast edge of Munich. He has some Cyber machines. I don't know
whether he has a 180, and I don't know which ones are operating. He has
a VAX that's being used routinely.

> Best
> Andreas

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