On Tue, Oct 01, 2024 at 12:31:53PM -0500, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
> And, you are very lucky! We used to have two electronic stores, and now
> both have closed up. If you need a connector, length of cable, or
> something of that sort, there is no place local to get it!

I can't even find a decent lightbulb in this place, population 76,804! It
claims to be a city, but if I'm having difficulty buying anything brighter
than 470lm ("40W equivalent", my arse they are) and 2700K ("we hate the
red-green colourblind"), or indeed non-potboiler books, or exotic herbs and
spices such as garlic and pepper, then I don't think it counts as much more
than an overgrown village with delusions.

Mail-order is a lifesaver, as is the occasional visit to Zeedijk and
environs in Amsterdam for some serious stocking-up of curry ingredients.
Fortunately, there are still a few proper old-school electronics shops
dotted around, and I was somewhat pleased to discover one recently in Den
Haag which had a decent cache of those rather obscure DIN-14 connectors used
by the Atari ST for its floppy drives.

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