Antonio Carlini via cctalk <> wrote:

> If everyone on this list sends me just 0.5% of their total wealth, I 
> promise to try really hard to preserve some retro computing stuff. Honest.

If total wealth means cash or assets that can be readily and reliably
converted into cash (i.e., if giant stashes of retro equipment of
highly uncertain resale value don't count), then 0.5% of my total
wealth would be a little under $200 - but I'll round it up to an even
$200 for this thought exercise.

I am seriously considering taking you up on your offer, thereby becoming
that first donor you asked for - but I have one condition.  This same
condition applies not only to Antonio, but to _anyone_ whom I would
potentially consider as a recipient for any of my retro equipment _or_
any of my extremely meager cash.

Specifically: I am potentially willing to donate my equipment and/or
my cash only to those who are Pureblood, meaning UNvaccinated.  How
would someone prove that they are unjabbed?  Easy: show me the list of
family members and once-friends who disowned you for your resistance
to the vaxx push, the list of groups and events from which you've been
banned or uninvited because of the same personal bodily autonomy
choice, etc.

> USDC would be best please, I'll set up a wallet as soon as the first 
> donor steps up :-)

Assuming you are pureblood per above (if not, then never mind), would
you accept an old-fashioned paper check by snail mail instead?

an ultra-far-leftist California girl who resisted the Covidian narrative
from day 1 (and took 0 jabs), and who is now politically homeless and
tribeless, rejected by The Left for my anti-scamdemic values while
still rejected by The Right for all of the other unalterable aspects
of who I am.

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