I still remember how amazing it was to watch the Linc-8 at VCF (west) 10
being troubleshot by previous developers. I swear I stood there (trying to
be out of the way) longer than most exhibits just in amazement how they
were looking at map size schematics and running test programs that still
felt like futuristic science fiction.

In unrelated news, I saw the auction has been posted to slashdot :scream:.
Not sure if there is still the slashdot effect but many more potential
bidders will be eying the auction now.

On Fri, Aug 16, 2024, 5:18 PM Steve Lewis via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>

> Such an incredible collection, wish I could have visited years ago in its
> prime presentation.   So many great artifacts, at least fairly certain
> they'll go to good homes.
> The LINC-8 and Micral-N in particular appeal to me - but I'm in no position
> to bid on anything this year.
> If anyone does know where those two items end up, look me up - maybe
> someday they'll need yet another new home!  Especially if they are in
> possible working condition.   IMO, electronics prior to 1975 become
> exponentially harder to keep in working order.
> Steve v*

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