Amazing detail and story (feel bad snipping out).

I remember some rumor about either NT or 2000 and a claim that Microsoft
lost the source code, hence no more versions (maybe it was win 2000 since
only 2 service packs?). Does anyone know if that was just Internet rumor of
the times or was that factual?

I felt that was part of the change of the OS going forward and being more
of a hybrid of 98/NT which as others said, was a win for gaming and
graphics support.

A friend used to try to play games on NT 4.0, mostly either Warcraft and I
think panzer general but I recall getting sound drivers to work was a
chore. My friend base and i stuck with 98se for a long time but eventually
migrated to either 2000 or XP but I honestly can't remember which we used
longer. I know (before windows 2000), we all uninstalled windows ME and
went back to 98se but that was due to performance issues with ME.

On Tue, Jul 30, 2024, 8:53 AM cz via cctalk <> wrote:

> Pretty much, though Windows2000 was a significant redesign over NT4.

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