Having been to VCF-West many times in the past, I'd be very surprised if you can't just show up Friday or Saturday and buy tickets there at the CHM. I always did. (Exhibitors are setting up today and that probably consumes all the time of the volunteers that make this event possible. So if you get no reply, that's probably why.) seeya there! -- strick
- [cctalk] VCF-West Ali via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: VCF-West Sellam Abraham via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: VCF-West Ali via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: VCF-West StricK via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: VCF-West Ali via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: VCF-West Fred Cisin via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: VCF-West Ali via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: VCF-West Bill Degnan via cctalk