On Tue, 30 Jul 2024 at 17:28, The Doctor via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> But, can you integrate the Pico into the Mac Plus chassis and peripherals in 
> the same way?
> Replica and cloned boards are probably going to be more important as time 
> goes by.

It's a fair point. That would be a lot more work but it is eminently
doable, yes.

I don't know if you have ever heard of the PiStorm, but it works by
taking the 68000 out of an Amiga and putting an entire Raspberry Pi on
an adaptor board in the CPU socket.

To run the computer, the original PiStorm software initialises, pauses
the bus, boots Linux, loads a 68000 emulator, unpauses the bus, loads
the OS from Amiga media into the emulator on the Pi and then executes

The original version ran at about 5x the speed of a 25MHz 68030. It cost £50.


Now there's a bare-metal emulator that's about 130x faster.

So, yes, if replacing just the CPU is possible, replacing the rest of
the logic board as well is just an implementation issue.

Liam Proven ~ Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
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