On 7/29/24 19:21, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
On Mon, 29 Jul 2024, Murray McCullough via cctalk wrote:
I had not realized that 43 yrs. ago Microsoft purchased 86-DOS for
– US not Cdn. money. With this purchase the PC industry, IBM’s version
thereof, began. I remember using it to do amazing things, moreso than
8-bit machines could do!
Initially MS-DOS and PC-DOS differed only in name and trivial items,
such as "IO.SYS" and "MSDOS.SYS" being renamed "IBMBIO.COM" and
When changes were made, Microsoft's and IBM's version numbers were
Grumpy Ol' Fred ci...@xenosoft.com
And I learned last week that DOS is still alive, and well, and damned
Tuxera Systems acquired Datalight in 2019 and now sells ROM-DOS. They
claim it's still fully compatible with MS-DOS.
Single User ROM-DOS costs $55 USD, and the SDK for building it embedded
is "Call for a Quote".
They're apparently pretty active with the Cease & Desist action - none
of their products are "out there" in the usual places.
Long Live DOS!