After having extensively used every version of Pc-DOS and MS-DOS,
including some obscure variants, and Windows 3.00, 3.10, 3.11, I used
Windows 95, and then windows 98 and Wndows NT 4.51, and then SKIPPED to XP
and then Windows 7.
I have yet to see any benefit to me of windows 8, 9, 10, or 11,
other than "Warnings" that I get on Windows 7 about it being discontinued.
I never used Windows 2000, Windows ME, nor Windows Vista.
Ironically, one of the colleges that I taught at was "Vista College".
while Windows Vista was still "in bloom", they went about changing the
name of the college to "Berkeley City College", in spite of my pleas to
keep the name "Vista" for a while longer, at least in parallel, to cash in
on "Learn Wndows Vista at Vista college".
Grumpy Ol' Fred
On Tue, 30 Jul 2024, David Wise wrote:
I will never forget Windows ME. Bleargh!
I wrote PC BIOS code for Phoenix Technologies from 1996 to 2023, we had to
suffer through every Windows release as old stuff broke and had to be fixed.
From: Fred Cisin <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 6:05 PM
To: David Wise <>
Cc: Murray McCullough via cctalk <>
Subject: Re: [cctalk] Re: MS-DOS
I can never remember which is which between Windows 2000
and Windows ME ("Millenium Edition")
On Tue, 30 Jul 2024, David Wise wrote:
I think Windows 2000 is NT-based.
Dave Wise