The estate should just have given the collection or parts of it directly to the 
charities if the charities were equipped to 
dispose of it.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 14, 2024, at 17:56, Wayne S <> wrote:
> Yes, but you still have to do the paperwork. Declare the revenue you got for 
> it and then the paperwork from the charity acknowledging they received it and 
> it’s value.  PITA
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 14, 2024, at 17:12, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk 
>> <> wrote:
>>>> On 7/14/2024 7:14 PM, Wayne S via cctalk wrote:
>>> Trying to compare a billionaire’s estate collection with people like us is 
>>> futile. Most of us collectors will die and our collection wont be of 
>>> interest to the IRS because it won’t amount to much. Pauls collection, on 
>>> the other hand, will be of interest simply because he called out what to do 
>>> with it when he dies (sell and proceeds to charity) and he’s a billionaire 
>>> so they look very closely at estate where there could be significant tax 
>>> revenue.
>> There is probably no tax revenue if it all really goes to charity.
>> bill

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