Mike wrote:
Hey there must be lots of vintage stuff at the south pole nobody ships stuff 
back. :)
There is, and in the past I've acquired vintage stuff shipped back from an 
Antarctic Base junk cleanup campaign via someone who was posted there 
periodically. Not vintage computers though.

Also I've found it cheaper to airfreight 1/4 tonne vintage vehicle parts 
USA->Oz than by sea freight, and I had it in two weeks instead of two months 
(four days air, the rest of that time in local Customs).

Just a note on accumulating items stateside for shipment: make sure that 
sending entity gets given invoices for _all_ items in that shipment or Oz 
Customs may demand it. I knew someone who did not have the individual invoices 
for an amalgamated collection of vintage vehicle parts and he told me it was a 
hassle for him to sort out.

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