On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 9:01 AM brad via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>

> I have thought about this a lot.. and as I begin to creep into my 50s and
> experience real aging and the health issues that sometimes come with that,
> I am giving serious thought to liquidating well before I die.  Even at very
> conservative average ebay values I've got a lot of money tied up in this
> mess.  I don't even want to think what I've spent to have FedEx make their
> best attempts at parcel destruction over the years.I don't want to leave it
> to my family to dispose of all this stuff at a future time when possibly my
> generation is shuffling off this world and prices start to crater, as I
> suspect they will for most of it eventually. I can see some GenZ and on
> down taking an interest in vintage machines but not nearly enough to hold
> up a price floor.It's either that or instruct they be entombed in my
> mausoleum with me, for the enjoyment of future grave robbers/treasure
> hunters.BSent from my Galaxy

I used to think this as well (the hobby will wane, along with interest in
these old machines, much like what happened with the vintage radio hobby)
but I see a different phenomenon developing here: vintage computer
collecting is bigger than ever, and growing.  New YT channels pop up almost
every week.  The VCFs are getting increasingly larger crowds attending, and
there are more VCFs.

Time will tell, but I see a trend emerging, and I'll be speaking on it at
VCF events as I continue to explore what I see happening.

I now believe the next computer revolution will come as a result of this


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