> On Jun 25, 2024, at 4:05 PM, dstalkowski--- via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Museums may be one of the worst place to donate equipment.
> This example from ham radio was posted to rec.radio.amateur.boatanchors
> back in 2000:
> "Many of us in the Dallas area donated hundreds of highly collectable
> radios to the National Museum of Communications in Irving, Texas.  These
> included many brands such as Collins, Hallicrafters(several SX-115's
> among others), National, hammarlund, etc.  Two years ago, without our
> knowledge, they filled five large commercial dumsters with these radios,
> and hauled them to a dump".
> I assume computer museums are no better.

That makes me think of a similar case, involving a national technology museum 
in Holland.  It at one time had (owned or on loan, I'm not sure) the world's 
first FM broadcast transmitter, from 1919.  (No, not Armstrong's; different 
technology and more than a decade before Armstrong's work.)  Then it 
disappeared; it may have gone back to its previous owner but I'm not sure about 

This is why I speak of loans.  Sure, some museums say "no loans".  My reply 
would be "sorry to hear that, I'll have to look elsewhere then".


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