Will do! Do yours have ROMs, and can you dump them? Even with non-Hbug ROMs 
they cna be thrown in Ghidra and MAME and at least some of the memory map 
worked out.

  -- Chris

> On Jun 18, 2024, at 5:54 AM, Ken Seefried <seefr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have one or two as well.  I asked around about this a couple of years ago 
> and didn't turn anything interesting up.  A couple of former Heurikon folks 
> said they'd look but nothing came of it.  Ping me if you turn anything up.
> KJ
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 10:04 PM Chris Hanson via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org <mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org>> wrote:
>> Does anyone have any manuals or other information on the Heurikon HK68/M10? 
>> Or the Hbug ROMs for it?
>> The HK68/M10 is a Multibus 68010 board with serial, SCSI, parallel, timers, 
>> 1MB onboard RAM, 2- or 4-channel DMA, and an optional 68451 MMU. It's 
>> similar but not identical to the HK68/V10 (the VMEbus version) and so far I 
>> haven't been able to find much that would make one usable.
>> I'm particularly interested in:
>> An Hbug ROM.
>> Pinouts for the top edge connectors, which provide the serial ports, the 
>> SCSI port, and the parallel port.
>> Jumpering/strapping and other configuration information.
>> And of course it'd be incredible to find the UniPlus+ distribution for it, 
>> but I'm not holding out much hope for that.
>> I already know what's on Bitsavers—such as the brochure—and I've already 
>> looked at the MAME HK68/V10 emulation, so no need to point those out.
>>   -- Chris

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