On 6/13/2024 4:04 AM, Dave Wade G4UGM via cctalk wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Taylor via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:22 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
Cc: Douglas Taylor <dj.tayl...@comcast.net>
Subject: [cctalk] Dilog Multifunction MQ-100 board

Hopefully I can find someone who has a manual for this qbus board, if not, does
anyone have experience with this board?


It's a dual width qbus board with 1 DLV11-J port, 32KW Boot room, on board
LTC circuit and has a 16 pin connector to attach to a front panel.  I dumped the
prom's and you can see them over on the VCF Forum/DEC page.  I used
PDP11GUI to probe the I/O space and it looks similar to a MXV11-B boot board,
with the addition of a serial port, LTC and front panel control.   The board has
copyright 1986 so it's not that old.

I guess a front panel would have; LED for RUN, LED for DC OK, a switch for
HALT, switch for RESTART and possibly a switch to disable LTC.  The board has a
couple of 4N25 optocouplers and what signals would need isolation?
Its common to use OPTO couplers on current loop interfaces, so perhaps the 
DLV11-J type port but with current loop.

Yes, I would like to use this put together a working qbus PDP11 using either
11/23 or 11/73 CPU, just for fun.


I was able to trace the optocoupler LED pins (1 and 2) to the gnd (pin 2) and pin 1 and 2 of the front panel connector (pins 1), both going thru a 4.7K ohm resistor.  I am beginning to suspect that these connect to a lighted switch for HALT and RESTART.  I have to see where the collector of the optocouplers connect to before being certain.


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