So, I recently salvaged a pair of ASR 33s and a PDP-8/I from a research lab where I work. A few folks chimed in on the "anybody want this" thread, but I happened to be the lucky winner (not lucky for my back or my basement, but they will be fun restoration projects.)
One of the engineers here asked if there were any teletype rolls along with these and if so that they be salvaged because " is broadly lossy to rf and can be used as an rf termination load." When asked a little further if this was teletype rolls in particular, she replied yes, and that this was something she had picked up in former work as an RF engineer at Varian, from a previous generation of crafty engineers. I thought this was pretty interesting, and that the list here might have a cross-section of folks who might comment. Anybody heard of this before? Hmmm, teletypes *and* RF -- sounds like something Marc might want to check out... :-) cheers, --FritzM.