On 6/7/24 10:29, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote:
Still valid?
  Personal Computer Milestones - Fun page that attempts to answer the
question: "What was the first PC?"

OK, I have to chime in here.  I worked for Artronix about 1972. The LINC computer was developed at MIT for use in biomedical research labs, and a bunch of people involved with it later moved to Washington University in St. Louis.  The Biomedical Computer Lab there later added some features such a a crude memory mapping unit and more memory, and called this the Programmed Console, so as not to scare people away.  Artronix began building these PC's and selling them to hospitals for radiation therapy planning.  I have no idea how many were sold.  They were built into a desk, and used 7400-series logic chips.  They etched their own PC boards, drilled them by hand and soldered in the chips by hand.  I wrote a series of diagnostics for them.


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