Sorry, WRONG. A computer type is "Personal" (capital P as a NAME for a class of computers) not based upon how ONE instance of it is used, but based upon the intent of its design and how many in practice. Musk could buy the lastest Frontier supercomputer and ONLY use it to play chess with himself, that does NOT make every single instance of them into Personal computers (capitalized). That ONE SINGLE instance might be a personal computer (not capitalized), but not the class of ALL Frontier computers.
if One person using one computer made it "personal" then probably every single D*mn computer ever made is, since at some point, somebody came in on down time and used it as a "personal computer" (not capitalized). I used 1620s, and 360/30s, a 360/40, and others as a personal computer at times, for things like writing a Tim Conway game of life, keeping track of my vinyl records, etc. So if you want to say "personal computer" (not capitalized), I will stipulate that EVERY computer is a "personal computer" and the term becomes meaningless. Hence we toss that usage, and do away with the need to capitalize the term. <pre>--Carey</pre> > On 05/31/2024 11:07 AM CDT Liam Proven via cctalk <> > wrote: > > > > Any computer can be "personal" if only one person uses it for their > own private purposes, right? >