Thank you!
On 30/05/24 11:43, Richard wrote:
Hi There,
I have a cable attached to my Sun 386i. I used to have spares but sadly no more.
I don’t believe there is anything special in the cable.
If I have an opportunity I can buzz through and let you know what each pin is
in the cable.
Give me a week or two and if I haven’t reverted please do reach out
Sent from my iPhone
On 30 May 2024, at 19:07, Stefano Sanna via cctalk<>
I recently bought a Sun Microsystems 386i and I discovered (too late...) that monitor and
keyboard are connected to the same D15 connector on the back using a "Y" cable
(I had experience with other Sun workstations, this was first contact with Intel-based
Unfortunately, I have not such a cable neither I was able to find any info on
the web about the pinout/wiring; probably it would be possible to create the
cable from scratch (assuming that no other circuitry was inside the original Y
cable). Moreover, I discovered that there is more than one option for video
boards (mono and color): therefore, there is more than a single Y cable to
connect monitor and keyboard.
Looking at the official Sun's hardware list, I found this item:
630-1621 386i video/keyboard cable
but it does not specify whether it is the mono or the color cable. In any case,
it seems impossible to buy it on eBay or similar.
Does anybody have some information on how to rebuild it?
Thank you.