> On May 28, 2024, at 9:23 AM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> On 5/26/2024 2:50 AM, ben via cctalk wrote:
>> I think the most important thing for a Personal Computer,
>> is the average Joe, can afford and use it. The second thing is
>> to have ample memory and IO to run useful programs. The  basic Apple I,II 
>> does not count as many others as it had BASIC in ROM and tape IO.
> Why not? I have seen some very serious research done on Apple][
> systems at the University where I worked.  I even have two of
> them that I saved from the dumpster.

That reminds me of an even more primitive personal computer, a 4004 based one 
designed and built from scratch by a college classmate of mine in 1974.  It was 
a wire wrap board, with perhaps 100 chips on it (about the size of the S-100 
motherboard I built from a kit some years later).  When it was just about 
complete he took it with him on his summer intern job at one of the US national 
labs, where apparently they liked it enough that they asked him to built a 
couple of copies for them to use.

He got honors in independent study for his work.


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