Den 2024-05-20 kl. 15:26 skrev Paul Koning via cctalk:
On May 20, 2024, at 6:08 AM, Nico de Jong via cctalk <>
I used to work on the P6000 series, and they had a very interesting
architecture. For those who want to know a bit more about Philips' history, I
can recommend an e-book written by one of the guys in Sweden, where the P6000
series was developped. The P6000 was based on the P800, but extended into a
system appropiate for bookings, airline reservations, banking etc.
(Link below).
The author is Mats Danielson. By the way, the James Bond film "For your eyes only" shows
a lot of Philips hardware. The "atomic comb" is a PTS 6272 keyboard with (I think) a
display boltet to the back of it. Hilarious, just like the book.
Read my new history book (free e-book)
I just flipped through it briefly, and spotted what was the Electrologica
headquarters (page 143). And a few pages later there is a bit of history that
explains the French origin of the PR8000 (or P8000), which was where I learned
assembly language programming. Quite a neat machine but very little
documentation of it still exists.
I have quite a lot of documentation for the P85x CPU's and other stuff.
Let me know what you need.