SMECC had similar but never got much microfilm so were sent to historical society to use on Reels of news paper microfilm. Heh cleared a bit counter space 30 years ago!---'the liquid was same as the old wet type copiers used. Is this pr the paper media available still? Not sure... but not many exist anymore.The one in that brochure is the classic model and that brand is an innovator. Ours was a generic looking thing and no where classy as the brochure model. And that company was THE innovator I think of that tech YEA FIND SOME WHERE TO SAVE IT! Ed# SMECC
Sent from AOL on Android On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 1:46 PM, Don via cctalk<> wrote: Hello all, I have a Recordak Magnaprint microfiche printer/reader. It appears to be in decent cosmetic condition but I am not sure if it works or if it is complete. This thing used photosensitized paper and some kind of developer to make positive copies of microfiche reels or sheets. I don't have space to keep this thing, but I would like to save it from being scrapped if possible. Free for pickup near Buffalo, NY. Contact me if interested! Don