> On May 1, 2024, at 6:44 PM, Wayne S via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> IMHO, “C” nomenclature really screwed up the equality vs assignment 
> statements.  The == made it difficult to understand especially if you came 
> from a language that didn’t have it. Basically all languages before “C”.

Well, sort of.  Some languages confused the two by using the same token -- 
BASIC is a notorious example.  ALGOL, FORTRAN, C, APL, POP-2 all solve the 
problem by using two different tokens; the only question is which of the two 
functions is marked by the "=" token.  In ALGOL , APL, and I think POP-2 it's 
equality,  in FORTRAN and C it's assignment.  Either works but you have to 
remember which it is; if you use languages of each kind then you may get 
confused at times.  :-(


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