
As some of you may recall, a few years ago I asked for assistance
reading a 9 track tape containing IBM S/360 source for Martinus
Veltman's computer algebra program, Schoonschip
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schoonschip).  With Chuck's assistance,
we recovered all the code from the tape.  After working with the
principals involved, I am pleased to announce that the source code is
now publicly available at:

Actually, I was always more interested in the original CDC 6600 source
code, as that is the more historically significant code.  While that
was not contained on the 9 track tape, I did receive a copy from the
Veltman family, and that is also available from the above website.

I have limited experience with big iron, but I had very good success
getting Schoonschip compiled and running on dtCyber.  Veltman also
provided example Schoonschip programs (YNGLING), and as far as I can
tell they run perfectly in CDC Schoonschip on dtCyber.  However, I
have not been fully successful in getting IBM Schoonschip to run on
hercules under OS/360 MVT.  The main issue I had was that the Fortran
part of Schoonschip uses REAL*16, which apparently requires the H
extended Fortran compiler that does not seem to be freely available.
I did patch the Fortran code to avoid extended precision and managed
to get Schoonschip running, but it would sometimes crash on some input
files.  I do not know if that is a problem with my patches or an
actual bug in the original code (as the IBM version of Schoonschip was
still a work in progress at the time development stopped).

In any case, anyone who is interested is welcome to have their own go
at the code.  The third evolution of Schoonschip (m68k code, which was
written after Veltman came to the University of Michigan) is also
available at the same website.

- jim

James T. Liu, Professor of Physics
3409 Randall Laboratory, 450 Church Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1040
Tel: 734 763-4314    Fax: 734 763-2213    Email: jim...@umich.edu

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