Fred Cisin wrote

> In 1970 or 1971, Wang had a tiny desktop calculator that had a card 
> reader! The card reader was an external peripheral, that clam-shell > closed 
> on individual port-a-punch cards (perforated normal sized >
> cards using every other column)

It was actually available before 1970. It was Wang Laboratories' 300-Series of 
electronic calculators.  

The "tiny" part was the visible part, which was just the keyboard and Nixie 
tube display.   It connected to an electronics package which was usually put 
under a desk or sometimes even quite a distance from the keyboard/display unit. 

The punched card programming peripheral sat between the keyboard/display and 
the calculator electronics package, and effectively "pressed keys" on the 
keyboard designated by the punches on the card, at high speed.  

On all but the 370 and 380 keyboard devices, the programs punched into the 
cards were simple linear programs without test & branch capability, or looping. 
  Looping could be manually done by just restarting the program at the 
beginning, and continuing to do so until the answer converged on the final 

There were also the somewhat larger 360KT and 360KR keyboards that had built-in 
diode ROM programs that calculated trig functions by sending the keycodes to 
the electronics package to carry out the operations necessary to perform the 
trig functions.   

There were a number of different electronics packages that were available, with 
the low-end model (the 300E) having access to only the basic four math 
functions.  The 310E added square root and x^2, the 320E added natural 
logarithm and e^x functions to the 310.   The 360E added four store/recall 
memory registers along with the functions of the 320E.  

The last of the 300-series was the 362E electronics package that provided 
access to ten memory registers, each of which could be split in half to store 
two five-digit numbers, along with the math functions of the 360E.   

Then there were the SE type electronics packages.  To my knowledge, there were 
the 310SE, 320SE, and 360SE.  

The SE electronics packages took the core calculating logic of the 
310E/320E/360E and stuffed some multiplexing logic around it, allowing up to 
four keyboard/display units to be connected up to it that operated in a 
round-robin timesharing mode.  

The 370 Programmer Keyboard Unit included a similar punched card reader, but 
there was extra logic inside the keyboard that allowed conditional testing and 
branching capability.  Up to four of these card readers could be daisy-chained 
to the 370 keyboard to allow programs up 320 steps.  

The program codes consumed 6 bits, so each column of the 40 column card (a 
standard IBM punched card, but with pre-scored holes every other column) could 
contain two instructions, allowing 80 instruction steps per card.   

The 380 Programmer Keyboard Unit was similar to the 370 in terms of capability, 
but instead of using punched cards for "storing" the program, the program steps 
were recorded on what was essentially an 8-Track tape cartridge that was 
inserted into a slot on the back panel of the 380.  The tape in the cartridge 
was in a loop, and was positioned by a rather noisy ratcheting system akin to a 
stepping relay that moved the tape forward. Branching was accomplished by 
moving the tape forward until the target location was found.  Depending on 
where the branch was targeted, the tape could have to move to the end of the 
program, then continue moving until the beginning of the program is found, then 
searching for the loop target.  This operation could consume quite a bit of 
time.  The tape cartridge allowed for considerably larger programs, but was 
quite slow in terms of tape positioning for branching and looping.     

The initial announcement of the 300-series calculator occurred in 1965, with 
the 300E/310E/320E electronics units, and 300K, 310K, 320K keyboard units, 
along with the CP-1 punched card reader, of which up to four could be connected 
daisy-chain style between the keyboard unit and the electronics unit.   

Later the 360E electronics package was added, and the 360K keyboard unit for 
the 360E added keys to access the four memory registers.

A bit later, the 360KT and 360KR trig keyboards were introduced, with the 360KT 
accepting arguments and results in Degrees, and the 360KR in Radians.    

The 310SE and 320SE four-user electronics packages came out sometime in 1967.   

The 360SE four-user electronics package came out in 1968, and also the 370 
Programmer and 371 card reader as well as the 380 Programmer.   

Lastly, sometime in late '68 or early '69, the 362E electronics package came 
out, and a 362K keyboard (which was identical to a 360K keyboard but with 
different keycap legends for the memory keys) was introduced with the 362E. The 
362E marked the end of the 300-Series.

There were a lot of peripheral devices that were available for the 370 and 380 
programmers, including a Teletype interface that connected a Model 33ASR 
Teletype to the calculator, with ability to accept input from the Teletype and 
print output to the Teletype, as well as being able to read program steps from 
the Teletype's punched paper tape reader, add-on memory units for more register 
There was also an Item Counter that connected between any of the keyboard units 
and the electronics package that would count depressions of various keys on an 
electromechanical counter to aid in calculations such as averages, etc.  There 
was also a simple column printer that would provide printed output of the 
number in the calculator's display that was also connected between any keyboard 
unit and the electronics package.  A specially modified IBM Selectric 
typewriter that had Wang-made solenoids and linkages to actuate the keys and 
functions of the typewriter was also available that could print output from 
calculations.  There are also some peripherals that
could be used to interface the calculators to external digital devices such as 
test and measurement equipment made by other manufacturers of such equipment.

Wang also would OEM the electronics package guts to other manufacturers.   One 
company even made a general purpose computer system that used one of the 
300-series electronics packages as its arithmetic unit.   Wang also offered a 
modular computer system called the 4000 (originally named the 390, but was 
changed before introduction) that used a standardized bus structure to connect 
the logic of an electronics package as the arithmetic unit, along with other 
modules that would contain storage, programming capability, and I/O interfaces. 

For quite some time, Wang Labs were the only calculator manufacturer that 
provided built-in calculation of logarithmic functions that were /not/ 
pre-coded sequences of keypresses that were executed like a program, but were 
actually hard-coded algorithms in the calculator's logic that provided almost 
instantaneous results.  Dr. Wang invented the logic to do this, and got a 
patent for it.  It was quite ingenious, and was able to calculate logarithms to 
twelve digit accuracy using only addition/subtraction and shift operations, and 
do so in an average of about 300 milliseconds.  

The weird part about the calculators in the 300-series is that they used 
logarithms to perform multiplication and division (which simplified the 
operations into addition of logarithms of the operands, then an anti-logarithm 
to get the result of a multiplication, and subtraction of the logarithm of the 
second operand from the logarithm of the first operand, followed by an 
anti-logarithm to derive the result.  The issue with this is that most 
logarithms are not able to be 100% accurately represented in the 14 digit (10 
digits displayed) capacity of the logic, and as a result, some multiplication 
and division operations that would normally result in an integer answer 
providing an answer that was not quite accurate.  For example, 3 X 3 would 
equal 8.999999998, but a bit of additional logic for multiply and divide would 
round the result up to 9.000000000 .  

In some cases, the error was enough that the rounding wouldn't give the integer 
answer expected, though.  All of the answers provided, even with slight errors 
due to imperfect representation of the logarithms were within most tolerances 
for engineering and scientific calculations.   

The logic of the machines was completely transistorized, using diode-transistor 
gates. No integrated circuits anywhere.
The working memory of the calculators was stored in a magnetic core array in 
the electronics package.   

The electronics packages consisted of a backplane (hand-wired in earlier 
machines, later on a circuit board) with a bunch of small (roughly 3x5-inch) 
circuit boards packed with components. 

The power supply was a conventional linear power supply with Zener/transistor 

The basic keyboard units just contained a board with transistor drivers for the 
Nixie tube displays, and diode encoding for the keys on the keyboard.  The key 
switches were standard micro-switch units with a ring pressed onto the 
key-stalk that would press down on the actuator for the micro-switch.  Key 
travel was very short, but had a positive "click" as the micro-switch closed 
when the key was depressed.

The 300-Series electronic calculators put Wang Laboratories on the map as a 
leader in higher-end electronic calculators, and made a fortune for the company 
and its shareholders.   

In 1968, when HP introduced the 9100A, Dr. An Wang, the founder and CEO of Wang 
Labs was secretly shown a production version of the 9100A before it was 
introduced.  The presentation of the machine was provided to Dr. Wang by  Dave 
Hewlett, one of the founders of HP.   When Dr. Wang saw what the HP 9100A could 
do, he was visibly shaken. When the presentation was over, he left the room 
saying "We've got to get to work", meaning that it was clear that the 
300-Series was now completely obsoleted by the 9100A, and that Wang Labs had 
better get busy with a new generation of calculators to counter HP's amazing 
calculator that was much smaller, much more capable, had computer-like 
programming capability, and was still made only with transistors and magnetic 
core memory.  Wang did not have their counter to the HP 9100A/B calculators 
ready until mid-1970, the Wang 700-Series.  The 700-Series calculators were 
serious machines, very computer-like, with large amounts of core memory, very 
high speed using DTL and TTL small-scale integrated circuit logic, and large 
I/O expansion capabilities.   They were a solid match for the HP 9100A/B, but 
by the time they got them to market, HP had already introduced it's 9800-series 
machines, which had the essence of a computer as their main logic, with a 
"program" that made the machines run.  The computer at the heart of the 9800 
series was a somewhat slimmed down, bit-serial version of HP's first 
minicomputer, the HP 2116A. The 9800-series were larger machines than the 
9100A/B, but offered extensive expandability and I/O capabilities.  The 
pinnacle of the 9800 series was the 9830A, which was programmable by the user 
in the BASIC computer language, and was more a computer than a calculator, but 
HP still considered it a calculator to make it more marketable because the term 
"computer" had connotations of being a very expensive piece of capital 
equipment, while a calculator was basically an expense item.

You can learn more about the Wang 300-Series calculators by going to .  There is also 
information on HP's 9100B, as well as most of the 9800-series that can be found 
by scrolling up on that same page, as well as many other electronic calculators 
exhibited in the Old Calculator Museum website, as well as physically in the 
Old Calculator Museum.

Rick Bensene
The Old Calculator Museum
Beavercreek, Oregon  USA 

P.S.  Some of the dates above may not be exactly correct, and there may be some 
other minor errors or missing information because I typed this strictly 
straight out of my head without access to any reference material.   The website 
has the correct information to the greatest extent possible given the amount of 
time that has elapsed since these machines were new.

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