On Fri, 2024-04-12 at 15:04 -0400, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
> Some of the earliest magnetic storage was mechanically simple:
> magnetic drums.  Nothing moving apart from the spinning media, and
> quite fast.  Fixed head ("head per track") disk drives are a
> variation on that theme, DEC had some that were successful for a
> while.

From 1968 until almost 2000, Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory had
Univac mainframes, first 1108 (three of them), then 1110, then 1100/40,
then 1100/80, then 2200.

We would run 50 time-shariing jobs and ten batch jobs on a 262k
machine. Swap was on eleven 4 millisecond FH432 (FH="Flying Head")
drums, able to hold one core load each, plus several 7 millisecond
FH1782 drums with four core loads each. Users' files were on FASTRAND
II™ -- an 5,000 pound drum machine the size of two upright pianos,
holding about 22 megawords. With 92 millisecond access time, calling it
FASTRAND was obviously a marketing fiction. A bunch of Calcomp disk
drives eventually replaced the Fastrand.


The 1100 series began with the ERA 1101, built for the Navy's "project
13," or 1101 in binary.

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