Ifo you absolutely must run something old, yet don't want to deal with the 
complexities of modern emulation:


- drivers, whatever is needed, likely to be included on floppy. Ask seller. Not 
sure what tbe form factor it is. Who cares, nail it to a board or the wall.


- obviously a lot faster. 2nd cpu isn't necessary or necessarily beneficial, 
but it is mandatory (says me, don't be a plebe). Unlike the Intel S5000 series 
serverboards, this bad boy has a FLOPPY connector. Should boot dos. But I 
haven't owned 1 yet. Can't remember if I even tried to boot my s5000vsadimmr4 
or whatever I had from a dos loaded boot cd. Just can't. But my board did boot 
Windows 2000. Not too shabby. No drivers or i/o plate with this though. Drivers 
for Win2k are on tne net. I even foumd a manual I think. Check with me if you 
have need. The Intel boards have support for Win2008. NOT this board afaik. If 
that matters to you.

Serverboards of this gen/chipset
have steemy hot ram. You can nail this
to the wall also. But have a desk fan to
keep it all cool.

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