On 2/25/24 16:20, Gavin Scott via cctalk wrote:

Turbo Pascal is even still available as its originators took it back
from Borland and made it into Visual Prolog for Windows which has a
free personal edition (the commercial license is only 100 euros too).
Also there's GNU Prolog if you just want to futz around with Prolog.

I wrote a large application in Turbo Pascal in 1996 or so, and it had been cast adrift since then.  The computer it ran on was getting old and I was worried it would die, and then I discovered FPC (Free Pascal Compiler).  It was designed to port over Turbo Pascal and DEC Pascal programs, and took the separate compilation directives like uses and $I.  I was able to get that program running on a Linux system in a few days.


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