> On 14 Dec 2023, at 08:18, brian--- via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:


> I've done a lot of work converting technical documentation archives from
> DCF and Bookmaster to Word and XML, but always worked from source, never
> .BOO.

A quick search suggests both Bookmaster and DCF use a library called GDDM which 
sounds like it is a device independent graphics format / renderer. Perhaps the 
.BOO format is related to this?

In a different avenue of exploration, looking at some .BOO files in a hex 
editor, they do appear to use EBCDIC text, and near the start of the file there 
seems to be a long sequence of word fragments: often the trailing part of 
words.  That suggested to me that perhaps it might be some sort of lookup 
table-based compression scheme for the text. 

I haven’t investigated beyond that yet.

Someone in IBM must know, I suppose. 


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