great old "Scelbi 8008 "  article in killobaud or  Byte  in one  if the  EARLY 
In a message dated 11/25/2023 7:34:21 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: 
Sorry if not linked correctly - looking through the list via the 
archives.."reply" option doesn't seem to work (at least for me - older Chrome) 
>but my understanding was that the 4004 and 8008 were effectively developed>at 
the same time?  And were announced or available about within one month>of each 
other? I believe they were, although I never had much experience with the 
4004...I did play a bit with the 8008 - and wrote a simulator/emulator for 
the8008 system I had, a Canadian: MIL (Microsystems International Limited) MOD8 
(Modular-8) it was also available as: GNC8 (Great Northern Computers) 8008 You 
can get MOD8 simulator from "Daves Old Computers" and actuallyexperienceusing 
an 8008 based system including the built in "MONITOR-8" ROM softwareaswell as 
"Scelbi 8008 BASIC" (one of the earliest) - source to bothprovided. If you care 
to, I included ASM88 (my 8008 cross assembler) so you can trywriting and 
running 8008 code! -Be aware that MOD8.COM itself is pretty old and is 16-bit 
DOS software.This means it WON'T run under modern Windows, but it does work 
well inDosBox (I recommend the one I have on my site) Dave Dunfield  - -- 
 "Dave's Old Computers" see "my personal" at bottom!

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