Hello, After 18 years of acquiring artifacts, our warehouse is in need of reorganization, as well as major renovation work - climate control, roof repairs, etc. A total restructuring, inventorying, and refurbishment of the warehouse is planned to commence soon - some steps such as the installation of climate control have already been taken - however, planning this process is made difficult by the fact that a number of our members have their own personal belongings stored within, many without proper tagging or documentation as such.
On January 1st, 2024, the VCF warehouse at Infoage will be closed for renovation and organization. During this time, no items will be permitted in or out of the warehouse bar those permitted *directly* by the VCF Warehouse manager - Thomas Gilinsky - during monthly repair workshops. As such, if you have any personal belongings stored within the warehouse, and would like to retrieve it, or have it tagged and set aside for you to collect later, please contact either me at thomas.gilin...@vcfed.org, or Doug at douglas.crawf...@vcfed.org. Please provide *verifiable* *proof* that the item you are describing is your possession. *ITEMS WHICH ARE NOT CLAIMED BY JANUARY 1ST, 2024 WILL BE ASSUMED TO BE THE POSSESSIONS OF VCF.* Donations to VCF will still be accepted during this time - we have other areas to store them while the warehouse is reorganized. Thanks, Thomas Gilinsky Vintage Computer Federation Warehouse Manager