Hi there, 

in the last weeks my last two working UltraBooks died. Today I investigated the 
and obviously in these RDI made notebooks, the NVRAMs not only contain the boot 
the host ID and the MAC address but also the hardware configuration.

Hence: Once the NVRAM is completeley dead, absent or replaced, the unit will 
start up any more - it gets stuck in the power on test BEFORE the screen shows 

Do anyone out there have got UltraBooks or UltraBooks IIi up and running? Would 
highly be interested in a dump of the NVRAM/Timekeeper!!!

The failed first generation UltraBook are (DS1643 NVRAM):
(*) U20-14-9-512P with three (!!) hard drives, no battery port
(*) U20-14-3-128B two hard drives, battery port

And my beloved UltraBook IIi (TimeKeeper DS1553-070)
(*) U40-14-1X-1024C one harddrive, battery port and creator graphics.

Reply here or PM e...@baigar.de,


                                ( o o )
| Dr. Erik Baigar                             Inertial Navigation &  |
| Salzstrasse 1              .oooO            Vintage Computer       |
| D87616 Marktoberdorf       (   )   Oooo.    Hobbyist / Physicist   |
| e...@baigar.de       +------\ (----(   )---------------------------+
| www.baigar.de        |       \_)    ) /
+----------------------+             (_/

So advice to all owners: Backup your NVRAM contents and I'd be more than happy 
to get in touch with you!

Not affected seem to be the PrecisionBooks (e.g. H16-12-8-512L2, two hard-
drives and battery port) as they do not contain an NVRAM/TimeKeeper.

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