> On Sep 3, 2023, at 4:47 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> On 9/3/23 13:28, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
>> I like OSHPark, US based and pretty quick, decent pricing.  Low enough I 
>> haven't felt compelled to look for cheaper alternatives.  One nice feature 
>> is that they take KiCAD board files directly, no need to generate the low 
>> level Gerber files.  One oddity is their purple (or black) solder mask, but 
>> one gets used to it.  2 or 4 layers and some other variations.
> PCVWay will give you purple (or several other colors) for an extra charge.
> I think there's a link on the KiCAD PCB layout menu send your design to
> PCBWay--or at least there was; I haven't checked lately.
> At one time, I thought that OSHPark (and I've used them) did all of
> their production domestically, but someone told me that it's not
> true--they send out their work to China, just like everyone else.

That certainly isn't what their website says -- "about us" says specifically 
"manufactured in the USA".


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